Road house movie
road house movie
Listeners were encouraged to buy or rent the Road House DVD, and play the movie with the sound off in synchronization with Scharpling's live radio performance.
Movie Connections: Referenced in "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: Paddy's Pub: The Road House is the story of a bouncer hired to clean up a rough bar in a tiny town.
This movie is so bad-ass. In my opinion this is the best bouncer movie ever. Patrick Swayze did an outstanding job and Sam Elliot was cool in this movie, too bad he died.
Monster trucks, tons of breasts, kung fu, and a blind guitarist later, you still don't have to think to be amused. All in all, Road House is the perfect movie to do just about
The first movie to be given the "RiffTrax" treatment by comedian Michael J. Nelson, who Road House is the story of a bouncer hired to clean up a rough bar in a tiny town.
Read the Road House movie overview. Learn more about this Action_Adventure movie, buy tickets, find showtimes, and read reviews at
The Roadhouse Movie. The truth on what really happened to Joe and Michelle Nuzzo
A cool-headed bouncer (with an NYU philosphy degree and a gift for martial arts) is hired to calm an extra-rowdy midwestern tavern. Along the way he falls in love with a beautiful
Road House -The 1989 Action / Adventure movie featuring Patrick Swayze and Kelly Lynch at the award winning 80s Movies Rewind. 8 pages of info, trailer, pictures and more.
MySpace Filmmaker profile for The Roadhouse Movie. Watch, movie clips & trailers from The Roadhouse Movie, including films, movies & documentaries.
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