The good fork
the good fork
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THE GOOD FORK Phone: 718-643-6636 Location: 391 Van Brunt Street, Brooklyn NY 11231 (Red Hook; map) Getting There: A/C/F train to Borough Hall, transfer to B61 bus from Jay and
The word is definitely out about the Good Fork in Red Hook. It has been packed since it opened last month and probably will be the night you go.
391 Van Brunt St Brooklyn, NY 11231 Phone: (718) 643-6636
I hesitate to even write about the Good Fork. It's a crowded field out there right now. In reverse order, NYTimes $25 and Under (April 26), NYMag (April 24), Strong Buzz (April 24
Van Brunt Street is an unlikely restaurant row. This despite, as Red Hook boosters will have you know, the idiosyncratic charm of 360, the retro-chic appeal of Baked, and the
The Good Fork - Restaurant and Bar - Brooklyn, New York
It has personality and warmth, just like the eclectic food that comes out of the quasi-open kitchen. See the review of this American Nouveau restaurant at 391 Van Brunt St. in
Category: Asian Fusion Neighborhood: Brooklyn/Red Hook 391 Van Brunt St (between Coffey St & Dikeman St) Brooklyn, NY 11231 (718) 643-6636
The pleasures of the table â" that lovely old-fashioned phrase â" depict food as an art form, as a delightful part of civilized life. In spite of food fads, fitness programs, and
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